After all the story telling and all the build up that our tour guide has given us, I was already very excited to enter the tomb. Unfortunately, this wasn’t to be, yet. I would be in the next group and there will be first batch of visitors to go in. Oh, did I forget to mention that it was an incredibly beautiful day here at Newgrange. It was in total contrast to the horrible weather we had the previous day. I took this opportunity to go around the Newgrange Stone Age Passage Tomb. The monument seemed to be made very well. The foundations or kerbstones or at least the ones facing outside were large stone which were sourced from elsewhere in the area.
Building something like this definitely took a lot of planning, not to mention a lot of manpower to build. Since it was built in the Neolithic times, there was already farming and thus communities should have already sprung up. The passage tomb might have been built for someone very important in the community. Interestingly, there weren’t a lot of bodies found in the tomb. It might have been that the bodies where taken from the tomb or that there really weren’t a lot of bodies to begin with. Perhaps, this tomb was for a special group of people. Royalty? Nobility? There is still a lot to learn about this mysterious tomb but a lot of research has been going on, maybe one day, we may be enlightened on the true purpose of this tomb.
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