Church of Saint Teresa in Dublin

Church of Saint Teresa on Clarendon Street in Dublin

Church of Saint Teresa on Clarendon Street in Dublin

I was trying to make my way out of the shopping streets of Grafton since I was certain that it would be very expensive to have dinner there. I was surprised to know that there is a different rate for dinner here when you come in earlier. I do not have any problem with that which is why I was trying to make my way to the restaurant row. I have been craving for stuff since I came here I was hoping I would be able to find a good place to eat. On my way to the restaurants, I was surprised by the sight of a stone church in the narrow streets of Dublin. This was still well within the shopping district which surprised me even more. The Church of Saint Teresa along Clarendon Street is a surprisingly quiet place in the middle of the commercial buzz of Grafton Street.

Inside the Church of Saint Teresa on Clarendon Street in Dublin

Inside the Church of Saint Teresa on Clarendon Street in Dublin

It seems that a lot of churches here in Dublin take on the names of the streets they are on. The first one I have seen was John’s Lane Church which is the common name of the Church of Saint Augustine and Saint John the Baptist. Here the Church of Saint Teresa is also named Clarendon Street Church. Upon entering the church, you would feel the you have just entered an oasis of peace in the see of humanity that is Dublin. While certainly not a very large church it still feels larger than it looked from the outside. I was very pleased with this find and I was glad that there are still places like this in Dublin despite all the commercialism around it.

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