More Rugged Scenery at Horn Head

More Cliffs at Horn Head

More Cliffs at Horn Head

My experience here at Horn Head in County Donegal is certainly living up to its billing. The scenery is certainly amazing with sheer cliffs which I have some to associate with this place just about anywhere. This is in no small part driven by the Atlantic Ocean just beyond the cliffs. It is mind boggling to know that there is this huge body of water here. There seems to be a path from the ruins and onto more rugged scenery. It seems we won’t be going back yet. I had mixed feelings here since the raw beauty of the place is simply stunning however, it is extremely difficult to move around. The winds here blow with the force of a storm and will knock you off balance every now and then.

On to the Rugged Wilderness at Horn Head

On to the Rugged Wilderness at Horn Head

After barely missing getting a sprained ankle yet again, we were continuing our way to what seems to be roundabout way of getting back to the carpark. There is a fence here to our right and I don’t think this is for humans. This is more to keep the sheep within the perimeters of the land. I wasn’t sure if the place was private property, but we were able to get in and not get shot at. When walking here, one needs to be careful to keep their footing. The plant life here is overgrown with this shrubs and it is not easily seen how uneven the path is. You might even fall into small holes which can be quite deep as well, reaching all the way to the waist in some cases. As usual, my feet are killing me but my eyes are enjoying what they are seeing.

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