I was very impressed by the magnificent Guildhall here in Derry-Londonderry. The structure looks much like a church but it was never one. It currently functions as a place for conventions and events as part of Derry-Londonderry’s push to be a major city here in this part of Ireland. I think it is well on its way towards that. The Guildhall square already is a venue for numerous events and the Guildhall itself serves as a wonderful backdrop to any event. After a bit of lurking around the entrance of the Guildhall, we finally gathered the nerve to enter the Guildhall. We were concerned that there might be an entrance fee to see the inside of the building. There wasn’t.
There were ushers inside and the cheerfully urged us in. Apparently, apart from the exhibition hall, everywhere else is free to photograph. Hopefully, that is a good thing. At the ground floor there was an exhibit focusing on the history of Derry-Londonderry. It was actually quite informative and included the history of how the settlement was founded as well as its development. There were even large LCD screens which feature “nobles” and “peasants” talking about their lives and how it relates to what happened in Derry-Londonderry long time back.
[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/Guildhall.kmz} zoom=19]