When I hear of Northern Ireland, I would vaguely recall the times when this area was still in chaotic. My knowledge of European history is horrible and I only know what I can see online. Basically, Northern Ireland has been the site of conflict until fairly recently. It is a cause of whether Northern Ireland itself should go back to Ireland or join the United Kingdom. There is some history to that when Ireland was split into Northern Ireland and Southern Ireland by the British with the South eventually becoming what the Republic of Ireland is today. The North basically consider themselves British and did not join the South, which brings us to what are termed as the Unionism. The Unionists are the group of people want Ireland to be a in union with the United Kingdom.
There is still bad blood brewing and you can see it in the street signs. The British refer to the city of Derry as Londonderry, while the Irish refer to it is merely Derry. As Northern Ireland is a British territory, official names use Londonderry, including public signs such as directions etc. Nationalists would rub out the London in Londonderry and leave only the Derry part. I really hope this is how far they will go to push their cause. The city of Derry has bloomed in the recent years and has been a magnet for tourism. While I do not advocate either side, it would be a shame to throw this all away because of someone’s political agenda.
[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/Derry.kmz} zoom=19]