Inside the Cathedral of Saint Eunan and Saint Columba

Impressive Interior of the Cathedral of Saint Eunan and Saint Columba in Letterkenny

Impressive Interior of the Cathedral of Saint Eunan and Saint Columba in Letterkenny

I have been to churches all my life and have even been to ones which are several centuries old, so you can say that I am quite familiar with them. Most of the churches I have been to are Catholic Churches mostly in the Philippines. The old churches there were built by the Spanish which governed the islands for three centuries. It is no surprise that the Philippines is still majority Catholic. Catholicism in Ireland is a major factor in the culture of the country and it shows in the number of churches present in the country. Most major towns will have a church around which the town was built around. The northwestern town of Letterkenny has the Cathedral of Saint Eunan and Saint Columba as its major landmark.

Inside the Cathedral of Saint Eunan and Saint Columba in Letterkenny

Inside the Cathedral of Saint Eunan and Saint Columba in Letterkenny

The Victorian Neo-Gothic cathedral is large and it is one of the tallest structures in the town. Being built on an elevated piece of land, it is visible throughout the town. While the outside of the Cathdral is certainly impressive, the inside of the cathedral is not to be taken lightly either. Though it is not as large the cathedrals in the Philippines, it is still large enough to handle the town’s population. The interior remind me of a better lit San Sebastian Church in Manila, with which it shares design similarities. The roof of the Cathedral of Saint Eunan and Saint Columba is lower though so the pillars don’t look as imposing. It doesn’t make it easier to brighten up.

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