Approaching Cathedral Cave

Another Tour Boat Moving Out of Cathedral Cave

Another Tour Boat Moving Out of Cathedral Cave

I have been to at least one Cathedral Cave and now that we are going to another Cathedral Cave here in the Bacuit Archipelago in El Nido, I already have a vague idea of what to expect. The last Cathedral Cave I had been to was the one in the Puerto Princesa Underground River in Sabang also in Palawan Province. The Cathedral was part of the underground river tour where there was a huge cavern inside the mountain as we were going in. Typical of actual cathedrals, the cavern had a very high roof just like its namesake.

Prepare to be Swallowed by the Earth at Cathedral Cave in El Nido

Prepare to be Swallowed by the Earth at Cathedral Cave in El Nido

We were approaching Cathdral Cave but I wasn’t really holding my breath for this one. We weren’t in a hurry either since the entrance seems to be very small and there is only room for one boat to be there and any one time. We were approaching slowly until the other boat moved away. Strangely enough, I could have sworn they were only at the entrance looking in. This isn’t really looking good at all.

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