Thoughts on Codognon Cave

Sunlight Filters Through the Holes in Codognon Cave

Sunlight Filters Through the Holes in Codognon Cave

Our visit to the Codognon Cave was a short one, once you go in, you explore the two chambers and head out. There isn’t really much to do there. You can probably try to imagine how life must have been like back then when humans still lived here. Now, it is inhabited by bats which give the cave its distinctive aroma. The cave itself is not that big either but it is noticeably cooler in here compared to the outside. It makes you forget that it is still a hot afternoon outside. This is probably the main reason why they chose to live in places like these. It is well protected from the elements and has easy access to the mainland as well as the sea.

Queueing Up to Get Out of Codognon Cave

Queueing Up to Get Out of Codognon Cave

In the end a cave is just a cave. There wasn’t much to do here. We probably spent a little too much time here and it would have been better spent snorkeling or swimming. It might also be good to declare Codognon Cave a protected archeological site as human remains from thousands of years back have been discovered here. There are a lot of other islands here and I’m sure most people here would much rather go swimming instead of having to crawl through a hole just to see a cave like this. Not much was said about the historical significance of this place either which is a shame since it would put some context on what the tourists were seeing.

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