I have explored parts of the Bacuit Archipelago on a previous trip and I know any island hopping trip to this small archipelago is always worth it. This trip would be to tour some islands which weren’t part of the original tour. This time it is a bit more focused on beaches and caves rather than lagoons. I have heard of some of the islands here in this particular tour and I was looking for to visiting them. First in our list is the enchanting Entalula Island. I remember seeing a photo featuring Entalula Island and I though to myself that I should visit that island.
As our outrigger boat was approaching the island, the water became shallower and shallower. The water acquires a beautiful iridescent color reminiscent of the other islands that I have visited. I take this as proof of the clarity of the water as well as the brightness of the sand here. Even from the boat, we can already see the floor, there were a lot of coral but they didn’t look very good. This seems to be a bad habit of these tour boats where they just randomly throw their anchors whenever they come here. It would be best to build a dock or a jetty where outrigger canoes would park, thereby protecting the coral growth here.
[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/EntalulaIsland.kmz} zoom=19]