If there is one thing that people come to El Nido for, it is island hopping. I have a good night’s rest and I needed it. We have a busy day the following day as it was island hopping day. It was to be my last day in El Nido and I will make full use of this day. I have been to a previous island hopping tour of the Bacuit archipelago and it was fantastic. I realize that there are other tours on offer here so I dragged my friend to join me in the island hopping tour. We went for the one which he hasn’t been to, to keep him interested.
Just like before, everybody gathers at the beach area to sign up for registration and waiver. Aside from the tour fee, there is also an “environmental fee” that needs to be paid. My friend got away from the environmental fee since he was considered to be a “local”. The sky was for the most part clear, hopefully it stays that way. I don’t want a gloomy sky ruining my shots here after all the trouble I took to get here.
[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/ElNido.kmz} zoom=19]