I believe that hiring our guide to the Bulalacao Falls was the correct thing to do. This is not some modern place which one can easily figure things out. The trail to the Buallacao Falls in the midst of a jungle and it is not really very easy to figure out. There were numerous forks in the road and it was practically impossible to remember them, unless you start dropping pebbles to help you find your way back. Alas, I didn’t have any stock of pebbles with me, nor did I have any bread with me to help me find my way back. Fortunately there was the guide to was quietly leading us on. Occasionally he would mention some fact about something along the way but most of the time he stayed quiet.
As I would find out, this whole place is his land and he was having problems maintaining it. The taxes for a land this big seems to be a burden for him and it is through guiding that he is able to help make ends meet. Going through the jungle, it was impossible for me to fathom that someone actually owns this place. He plants crops here and fetches his water from the falls. All of it seems to be quite sustainable and he has no need of modern convinence such as electricity or even the internet. It makes me wonder maybe we are just making life difficult for ourselves in our relentless pursuit of riches.
[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/BulalacaoFalls.kmz} zoom=19]