I had very little time to explore the Chongsheng Temple and the Three Pagodas here in Dali. This was primarily my fault since I still took my time to rest a while before heading out to come here. The park wasn’t very far from the ancient town, but it still took me around thirty minutes to walk over by that time it was only one hour left before closing. The lady at the counter asked me if I was willing to continue, I thought it wasn’t that large so I agreed. I was very wrong in my estimate of how large this place is. The Three Pagodas was just the start of the Chongsheng Temple but there is still the rest of the park to explore. It is laid out all the way to the foot of the Cangshan Mountains.
Now, the Chongsheng Temple here isn’t really the original temple anymore. It is but a reconstruction of the original. Remember how the only buildings left standing in Dali during large earthquake were the Three Pagodas? The Chongsheng temple was one of the structures which got destroyed numerous earthquakes which are common in this area. There used to be a temple very near the three pagodas but it is no longer there. A lot of the buildings here have been restored and been slapped an entrance fee. It is time to rush through the temple grounds before it closes.
[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/ChongshengTemplePark.kmz} zoom=19]