Getting High in Lijiang Ancient Town 丽江古城

View Over Lijiang Ancient Town 丽江古城

View Over Lijiang Ancient Town 丽江古城

Okay, it is not that kind of high, however, being at a viewpoint somewhere in Lijiang Ancient Town can also give you that nice feeling. I was proud of myself for having found the view point to see much of Lijiang Ancient Town from above. There might be several points in town where you can view the town from above and I managed to find one of them. I don’t think there is any point trying to find those other spots since they will probably look exactly like what I am seeing right now.

Viewpoint at Lijiang Ancient Town 丽江古城

Viewpoint at Lijiang Ancient Town 丽江古城

The viewpoint isn’t exactly an official viewpoint. It was more of an open area where you can view the rest of the town. Curiously, there is a fence of some sort, maybe to prevent visitors from falling but most of the people here at the view point where all on the dangerous side of the fence. It was a good spot anyway since we can enjoy the view of the ancient town away from the noise below. From here I can also see Elephant Hill and the viewpoint on top but I was too lazy to do the climb to the top of Elephant Hill as it will take around an hour to complete.

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