I have been here in Lijiang Ancient Town for several days already and I still can’t seem to find my way around the town. It is actually fun to get yourself lost within the ancient town as there always seems to be something interesting somewhere. After my long lunch I set of to get lost once again, however, this time I have a vague destination in mind. I noticed that Lijiang Ancient Town is situated in a valley of some sort and it is bounded by mountains all around, I figured that there has to be a way to view the town from some high place. I thought of Elephant Hill in the Black Dragon Pool Park but that takes too long. I thought that would definitely be a place where I can see everything and yet still be in the town.
I noticed some part of the town were higher than other which is where I headed. I didn’t have a directions with me but I was just following the road, hopefully it will lead me to the top. Sure enough, I managed to find a path which climbs one of the hills which borders the town. It is towards the edge of town so I was pretty sure this was the right way. I wandered around fifteen minutes until I found the site. There was a view point alright, and you can see much of Lijiang Ancient Town from here. You can really get an idea of how large this town is and it is big. It is so homogenous as well with almost all the houses here made of gray tiles. It spent a few minutes on the top admiring the view before setting off again.
[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/LijiangAncientTown.kmz} zoom=19]