I was astounded by the powerful Yangtze River running through the Tiger Leaping Gorge. Actually, there is more to see of the gorge as you can still continue down the lower road to the rest of the gorge. It is not really difficult to figure out, just follow the road. However, I don’t have the luxury of having my own transportation to continue on to the Middle and Lower Tiger Leaping Gorge. The Upper Tiger Leaping Gorge will be enough for me. So it was time to get back. When I got back to the top of the viewing platform, I was looking for some public transportation to take me back to the Tiger Leaping Gorge Town or Qiaotou, but surprisingly, there wasn’t anyway. I checked out a few buses but they were all for hire, I tried talking to the drivers and asked if they could give me a lift but they can’t saying that bus is already hired for. One even mentioned how his customers would raise a fit if he allowed another person to hitch a ride with them, especially since they come from Shanghai, probably an allusion to their famed temper.
In desperation, I ask a fellow visitor who I happened to chat with earlier to let me hitch a ride with them back to town. He agreed but he needs to ask his companions to let me ride with them. Fortunately, for me, I didn’t have to go through with that, there was a freelance driver on top and was willing to bring me back to town for CNY 50. It is actually expensive but beggars can’t be choosers. The only other choice would be to walk back, it is certainly early enough to walk back but I don’t think I want to. Within 10 minutes I was already back at the starting point of Tiger Leaping Gorge Town, also known as Qiaotou. I was grateful to that person who was willing to let me ride with them, it would have been interesting if I got the chance to do that as well.
[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/TigerLeapingGorge.kmz} zoom=19]