I was relieved to see the viewing deck at the Upper Tiger Leaping Gorge. I was my landmark and my destination for this two hour hike of mine. The hike wasn’t difficult at all. The slope was very gentle and one would not notice that it was already quite high up the mountainside. The viewing deck at the Upper Tiger Leaping Gorge was at the bottom of the mountain, close to the water. It should be quite interesting to see the view of the raging river from up close. I don’t think I have ever been to this kind of set up and I was quite excited to see this.
There was a fifty yuan fee to visit the viewing deck. This surprised me since I already paid a bit of money to enter the scenic area. It looks like this place wasn’t covered by the fee. There were a lot of tour buses here in the car park and it seems it is a popular place. This is probably one of the narrowest parts of the gorge and the Yangtze river is really raging below. It is not unlike a hose which is trying to spew more water than it can handle. Unlike a hose, the water can also go up aside from just forward. This makes the water so turbulent. I could imagine this raw power carving out this magnificent gorge, now wonder they once tried to dam this place up.
[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/TigerLeapingGorge.kmz} zoom=19]