The town of Lijiang is certainly worth of its status as a UNESCO world heritage site. I have been on some sort of tour of China’s UNESCO world hertiage sites and Lijiang is my latest stop. I was quite fortunate to be here since I would be able to visit a few sites in one trip. For now, I need to concentrate on the current site. This wandering through the maze of Lijiang’s narrow alleys has worked me up an appetite. The guidebook was mentioning about trying Yunnan’s famous snacks and I think I have found the perfect place to try it out.
Lijiang Ancient Town has a huge snack area where you can try out numerous Yunnan snack all in one location. It seems that the shops were all dedicated to selling different kinds of snacks. The titles of the snacks say there are 18 Yunnan Strange Stuff 云南十八怪, I guess that means Yunnan’s 18 unique snacks. I don’t think I would be able to try all eighteen of them and I don’t recommend doing so. There are names ofr the snack for the curious but they were all in Chinese. Most of them you should be able to figure out. I tried what probably was the most unique of them all, the roasted rushan 乳扇, it is a delicate piece of snack which is actually something like solidified yoghurt, it was crunchy but a little sour. It was strange and I can’t say that I liked it. I think it is an acquired taste. That is probably the price for adventure.
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