I was delighted seeing the numerous waterways of Lijiang Ancient Town. This was the reason why the town is so picturesque. It is like a water town but it is a different kind of water town since it is not built on top of the water unlike other Chinese water towns. Despite the prevalence of water here in the town, the topography of the town was surprisingly uneven. There were several area where one needs to walk up or walk down. It was good since this was all down before we had machinery to level entire mountains down, although with enough people China might have been able to do that by hand anyway.
The major streets of Lijiang were expectedly crowded. The maps probably have something to do with that as most maps would print only the more signficiant portions. It was funny to read the maps as well, since it seems to be more for advertising rather than for tourist information. It was apalling to know that these advertisement maps are sold rather than given away. The maps looked nice but there weren’t very helpful to me. I just had to rely on my instinct and my admittedly poor memory. As mentioned numerous times, it is fun getting lost here, just make sure you find your way back before dark.
[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/LijiangAncientTown.kmz} zoom=19]