I was randomly walking about Lijiang Ancient Town when I stumbled into a small market place insde the ancient town itself. It seems that this place was primarily for locals to shop in possibly to get some suppliers for their own consumption. There were numerous fruit and vegetables here at the market and it was interesting to see how much variety there was. Most of the fruit I have already seen from elsewhere but some of the vegetables were a bit unfamiliar to me.
Although this was pretty much a wet market, there was also a dry goods section where you can buy other stuff. Most of the stuff here seem to be stuff for cooking and I was likewise unfamiliar with some of the utensils here. I was almost like they were replicas of old style cooking utensil but somehow I have the feeling that they are for their own use. Maybe it is because it wasn’t really packaged very well and it didn’t seem like they were souvenir items.
[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/LijiangAncientTown.kmz} zoom=19]