I wasn’t planning on going anywhere that afternoon. I think I have spent enough time here in Shangrila and I should be moving on to the next town. That will have to wait until the next day, for now I would like explore the rest of Dukezong Ancient Town. I remember visiting a large square of to one side of the town. This park’s name is Guishan Park 龟山 or Turtle Hill. As you might expect the name of the park is taken from the small hill in the area. The hill has a Tibetan temple on top and it is probably worth a look.
Guishan Park is probably not one of those famous parks where people absolutely have to visit. But I think it is a great way to see the locals. There will naturally be the smattering of foreigners here it is still quite pleasant. The temple up on the hill will give visitors something to look at. I head up the long flight of stairs to get a closer view of the temple. Actually it was like a smaller version of the Songzanlin Temple, maybe Tibetan temples are all designed this way.
[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/GuishanPark.kmz} zoom=19]