I couldn’t hide my disappointment with this trip since I didn’t get to see much here. The summit was cloudy and there was no snow either. Perhaps I was asking for too much. In this era of climate change it seems that the snow caps of the mountain has vanished. It probably is there during the winter and spring but not during the summer. On the bright side, they did give me a discount at the entrance, if only they told me where the discount came from. I was under the impression that it was because of my guide/driver.
Oh well, I think I have had it with these mountain and decided to visit tall mountains during the colder months. My driver was asking me what to do after. It seems there is still some time left so I asked him to bring me back to town since it was already lunch time. We agreed to meet up again after I take my lunch and get some rest. I got my lunch at some random shop which served noodle soup. I can’t remember what the noodles where either since it didn’t give me a good impression. I then head back to the hostel for more rest.
[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/DukezongAncientTown.kmz} zoom=19]