Surprising Finds on Top of Shika Snow Mountain 石卡雪山

Yaks in the Pasture Beyond the Fence at Shika Snow Mountain 石卡雪山

Yaks in the Pasture Beyond the Fence at Shika Snow Mountain 石卡雪山

It seems that I was already at the top of the Shika Snow Mountain, but there was nothing which suggests where it got its name from. There was no snow here on the snow mountain. I was very disappointed since this was the first “snow mountain” that I have ever visited. My understanding of a snow mountain was that it is perpetually covered in snow, unfortunately, this was wasn’t. I would later find out that the reason why there was a discount in the entrance fee was because there was no snow on this snow mountain. I don’t know if I would have proceeded had I known but I was probably looking forward to seeing faraway mountains from the top.

This Sign Points to Meili Snow Mountain, One of the Holiest Mountains In Yunnan

This Sign Points to Meili Snow Mountain, One of the Holiest Mountains In Yunnan

There were not faraway mountains to be seen here on the top. The fog was so thick it was difficult to see the next ten meters. As if to rub it in, there was Chinese signs which say which mountain is in which direction and possibly where it can be seen. I was not able to verify this since I couldn’t see anything. What I did find on top was quite surprising. On the other side of the fence was a pasture but I couldn’t really see very far. But once I looked a little closer, there was dark figures in the pasture – they were yaks! I couldn’t believe they would be grazing here so high up. I can’t even figure out how they managed to make their way up here when we had to take a cable car up to the summit.

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