I raced up and down to Baishuitai to make sure I get to catch my transport back home. Baishuitai is in a remote part of Yunnan and the only way to access the place is by a highway. The town doesn’t have a bus station where I can just wait. It doesn’t have some rudimentary form of a bus terminal though. There was a parking area where buses and cars can wait for their passengers. However, public buses do not use this. I decided to take a very quick lunch while waiting for my bus. The staff of the restaurant were very friendly and told me that I would be able to make it in time to catch the bus, they said they will tell me when it has arrived.
The restaurant seemed very empty and I actually had to go to the kitchen to find people, I ordered some smoked meat, yes the one hanging on the their window. I think it was yak meat but I didn’t really care. I was hungry and I needed to eat. This wasn’t the cheapest place to eat either as it cost me more thant CNY 40, quite expensive for a place which was very remote. As for the food, it was stir fried with chili. I also ordered some greens to go with them, I didn’t know the name of the greens either. The food wasn’t great, the meat was quite tough and I ended up having to spit out some of the meat since it was that tough. I probably had more of the greens instead. The rest of the time, I was drinking tea while waiting for my bus.
[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/Baishuitai.kmz} zoom=19]