While we were waiting at the hardware store at Kuala Besut for our ride back to Kuala Terengganu, I got tired of waiting and decided to walk around the area. I knew that we were beside the bridge, maybe there was something interesting to see here. My friend didn’t feel like going around since it was really hot. At least I will have someone to watch out for the bus when it comes. It was taking a while so doing a little explore shouldn’t hurt, that much.
The entire area is already very near the Kuala Besut Jetty so there weren’t any surprises when I saw a lot of fishing boats here. It was a bit disorganized here but there didn’t seem to be any fishermen there. Perhaps they were already done with their fishing in the early morning. I saw some cages which the use presumably for crabs. The waters here weren’t crystal clear but they already have some blue green color which we were so delighted at Perhentian Kecil. Long stretches of Kuala Besut seem to be beaches, I didn’t get to see much of it apart from our approach when we were coming back from Perhentian Kecil.
[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/KualaBesutJetty.kmz} zoom=19]