Snorkeling at the Lighthouse at Perhentian Kecil

Emerging from the Deep at the Lighthouse at Perhentian Kecil

Emerging from the Deep at the Lighthouse at Perhentian Kecil

The lighthouse at Perhentian Kecil, wasn’t merely a place to see daredevils tempt fate by jumping from the top and into the not very deep water below. This was actually a very rich snorkeling area. Upon our boatman’s instructions, we went down to the area surrounding the lighthouse. And true enough we were rewarded by a large reef which was thriving at the foot of the lighthouse. The reef was stocked with numerous coral which appeared to be alive. This was in contrast to the one in the other sites which appeared to be dead. I’m not an expert on these things but the coral here at the lighthouse appear to be healthier than the others. Naturually, this seems to attract the most fish. And there were lots of them.

Playing With Fish at the Lighthouse in Perhentian Kecil

Playing With Fish at the Lighthouse in Perhentian Kecil

My companions quickly got to work playing around in the water and enjoying the sight of such numerous fish here in the area. The boatman on the other hand continued his job of taking photos of his clients. There were numerous holes in the reef where you could swim through and I guess it was fun to do that if you swim well enough. Visibility in this area was likewise excellent, making photography a snap. I spent most of my time just floating above the reef and careful not to step on it. The waters here seems to be quite shallow, which made me realize that the daredevils from above were playing with fire when they were jumping. One wrong step or jump would send you in to the shallow reef below.

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