Thoughts on the Beijing Lama Temple 雍和宫

Golden Leaves Cover the Walkway to the Beijing Lama Temple 雍和宫

Golden Leaves Cover the Walkway to the Beijing Lama Temple 雍和宫

It was surprising how much I enjoyed the visit to the Yonghe Temple in Beijing. The temple was just behind the hostel where I was staying at and it was even named after the temple and I never visited it! The temple is one of the most important lama temples in China and it was not surprising that there were a lot of people here. It was actually a welcome change from the usual touristy places which I somehow always end up at. The Beijing Lama Temple is a living and active temple when numerous visitors. It was a shame that they would charge a few for visitors to enter the temple grounds.

Outside the Beijing Lama Temple 雍和宫

Outside the Beijing Lama Temple 雍和宫

Oh well, they can’t live purely on donations alone, if the entrance fee really goes to the temple, then I believe it is one of the richest temples in the whole of China. That was how many visitors it receives in a day. The lama temple was conveniently located just outside a subway station, or is it that they built a subway station just outside the temple. As for the crowd, I really didn’t mind it at all as most were there for worship and not for tourist activities. It was funny how that turned out.

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