I was not very happy with the hostel I was staying in at that time. The staff seemed to be more preoccupied playing with their phones or watching computer than attending to customers. The dorm rooms weren’t bad either but I decided to move to a different hostel once I got to talk to the staff there the previous night. They were extremely friendly and spoke decent English. I finally got to stay here after a whole day of exploring Pingyao Ancient Town.
Harmony Guesthouse is one of the more well known guesthouses here in Pingyao, because of their very engaging personalities, a lot of foreigners manage to find their way here and stay a couple of days. They also offer tours if you are interested, they were offering me, rather persistently, to join yet another ancient town but I didn’t have the budget anymore. Either way, I didn’t go. I just stayed in the hostel and got some rest.
I managed to land a two bed room with built in toilet for a good price. As usual, these places were clean and well maintained. I didn’t really needed the other bed, but I guess it is a bonus. The toilet has a western toilet to my relief and a hot shower. It was basic but it works. I spent a few hours in the bedroom resting before heading out for dinner this time. At the lobby there were a lot of foreigners milling about, probably already had their dinner. Harmony Guesthouse also has their own restaurant there and it was quite nice, but I would like to try something else for a change. Got to spread the wealth.
[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/PingyaoAncientTown.kmz} zoom=19]