Ducks at the Lotus Garden 莲花公园 in Ji’an 集安

Ducks at the Pond in Ji'an's Lotus Garden 莲花公园

Ducks at the Pond in Ji'an's Lotus Garden 莲花公园

The pond at the Lotus Garden at Ji’an is probably the highlight of the visit. Though the lotus at the pond itself weren’t really very impressive. Most of them were dying as winter was already approaching. However, there were some residents of the pond which provided me with endless enjoyment – ducks. It was probably the first time I have run across wild ducks anywhere. These ducks seem to be a family and were just following each other in search of food. This brings to mind that name of the famous river nearby – Yalu River, the first character Ya means “duck”.

This Was As Close As I Could Get

This Was As Close As I Could Get

The ducks were not easy photography subjects as they kept moving around bringing everybody along with them. They were wary of anything that wanders too close to them and would immediately more aware if they get uncomfortably close. It is during these times that I felt I should have brought my zoom lens with me. When the ducks weren’t floating around on the pond, there were busy foraging in the park, heedless of the human visitors to the park. I wonder if the ducks ever leave the pond, what if it freezes over?

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