I was preparing myself to another large pile of rocks here at another archeological site in Ji’an City. So far most of the tombs that I have been to all look alike – meaning they were basically a large pile of rocks. From the entrace gate of the park, you might be able to tell that something was a little different. The entrance itself was better designed. It even has its own parking lot. Maybe this was more special than the others. My hunch was right, not too far from the entrance, you can immediately see the General’s Tomb. This is probably one of the most distinctive tombs in Ji’an. They even built a dedicated park just for the tomb.
The General’s Tomb wasn’t really that difficult to miss, it is probably the only reason you would be visiting this place. Contrary to the name of the tomb, it wasn’t a general that was buried here. When the locals first discovered the tomb, due to the size of the tomb it was immediately assumed that there was someone very important buried that. At that time, generals held high position in society so it was assumed that it was a general who was buried there. Actually, it was yet another nobleman buried there. It could have fooled anyone with a tomb looking like that.
[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/General’sTomb.kmz} zoom=19]