Rooms of the Puppet Emperor’s Palace 伪满洲皇宫

An Office at the Puppet Emperor's Palace 伪满洲皇宫

An Office at the Puppet Emperor's Palace 伪满洲皇宫

The Puppet Emperor’s Palace 伪满洲皇宫 was built as the official residence of the Puppet Emperor Puyi when the Japanese occupied Manchuria. It was like a modern version of the Forbidden City, which is of course far more magnificent and colorful than this one. The Puppet Emperor’s Palace feel old and at the same time new. Although it still have a lot of Qing style aesthetics, it also incorporated some of the era’s architectural designs. After the Soviets came and damaged the palace, it was subsequently restored and reopened as a musuem. As recently as 2006, it underwent a major renovation to what is it now.

Modern Meeting Room at the Puppet Emperor's Palace 伪满洲皇宫

Modern Meeting Room at the Puppet Emperor's Palace 伪满洲皇宫

What I see now is a magnificent restoration of how it was supposed to be back then. The rooms of the palace weren’t as massive as the ones I see in the Forbidden palace. These are much more modern and they even have modern amenities which can’t be said for the Forbidden palace. The Puppet Emperor’s Palace still features rooms for work, such as large meeting rooms which may be mistaken for a modern office’s meeting room. The rooms were all nicely restored and it feels a lot like a hotel. Though not as historically significant as the Forbidden city, there is still some interesting stuff to see here.

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