Inside the Halls of Jile Temple 极乐寺

Hall in the Jile Temple 极乐寺

Hall in the Jile Temple 极乐寺

I have been saying that the Jile Temple isn’t really anything special compared to the other temples that I have seen. There were the mandatory temple buildings and the halls after halls which tend to typify at Chinese Buddhist temple. I have already been to one in Hangzhou just a week before and here am I again exploring yet another one. However, this is not to say that this temple wasn’t worth exploring. There are still come interesting spots to see in this temple.

Bronze Wall Carving in the Jile Temple 极乐寺

Bronze Wall Carving in the Jile Temple 极乐寺

The Jile Temple is not cultural or historical heavyweight but it makes up for it in authenticity. The Jile Temple is an actively used temple here in Haerbin and it is nice to see how the people of Haerbin come and use this temple. I was walking through the hall when I saw the walls of the hall were decorated with bronze sculpture. The sculpture looks quite new probably not more than a few years old, but it was nice nonetheless. It is little details like this that make exploring places so fun and interesting.

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