Small Flying Rainbow Bridge 小飞虹

The Small Flying Rainbow Bridge 小飞虹

The Small Flying Rainbow Bridge 小飞虹

It is truly a delight to go around the Humble Administrator’s Garden, one could imagine to have the garden all to themselves and just walking around the garden with not a care in the world. Sit down by the lake and read a book or just observe the fish in the lake. These kinds of places are hard to come by these days. Unfortunately, the Humble Administrator’s Garden is not a place you can just own, it is quite literally owned by the whole world as it is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Lovely View of the Lake

Lovely View of the Lake

The garden still has a few interesting places that it can offer. One of these places is the Small Flying Rainbow Bridge 小飞虹, the bridge is unique that it is the only covered pedestrian bridge in the place. It was done in the Ming style architecture. It was a simple bridge but it somehow reminds me of that nice bridge I saw somewhere in Guangxi province. It is a wind and rain bridge and big enough to be a house. This one was much smaller though. It is one of the more important spots in the garden and a lot of people past through here so it was tough for me to get photos of the bridge.

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