Mandarin Ducks at the Humble Administrator’s Garden 拙政园

Some Mandarin Ducks Beneath a Pavillion

Some Mandarin Ducks Beneath a Pavillion

My friends and I were just going through the motions of going through the massive garden that is the Humble Administrator’s Garden. Much like the Lingyin Temple in Hangzhou, we were just passing through anything we see. I guess you can’t really blame us, each part looks like all the other parts of the garden, you seen one, you’ve seen them all can’t be any truer. That is before we ran into some unexpected creatures in the park.

Beautiful Mandarin Ducks in the Humble Administrator's Garden 拙政园

Beautiful Mandarin Ducks in the Humble Administrator's Garden 拙政园

Just off to the side of a bridge there was this little fenced out part of the lake, rather it was more like a pond with a fence. There were several Mandarin Ducks here swimming about. Manadarin Ducks are probably one of the most colorful ducks I know and they are definitely very adorable. Their plumage lends them an air of elegance you can’t see in other ducks. As to where there was a gaggle of Mandarin ducks here, I shall soon find out. It is a shame though that I didn’t bring any lens which can let me see the ducks better.

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