I would have to admit that after a while the place soon gets to you. One part of the garden looks much like any other part of the garden. Not only that, but I have been to other places in China which look exactly the same. This is just an example of classical Chinese gardens so I guess there is nothing much I can complain about. In fact, not only is it an example of classical Chinese gardens, it is THE example for Chinese gardens, so impressive it was that it was granted the honor of being a UNESCO world heritage site.
There are other gardens in Suzhou which made it to the list but this one by far is the most famous one. I didn’t get to visit the other gardens, as my friend surely didn’t feel like going to another one which happens to look exactly the same as this one. Sometimes it is difficult to believe that these gardens are hundreds of years old. The grounds are all well maintained and there are clear pathways for visitors to take. I’m sure this garden will not be going away anytime soon.
[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/HumbleAdministrator’sGarden.kmz} zoom=19]