Xiao Ying Zhou Island is an artificial island created in the middle of West Lake. It is quite amazing to be hearing this since it is not easy to be creating a new island from scratch, although the relatively shallow lake makes this a bit easier. One of the curious features of the island is its shape. From above it looks like a wheel with four spokes, with each spoke creating a new miniature lake. Not much is said about its shape but it seems it is interesting enough to build several temples and pavillions here.
The jetty at the Xiao Ying Zhou Island was decent enough and there were visitors awaiting to board our boat. There are several jetties on the island which bring you to different points on West Lake so it would be nice to know where it will bring you. Anyway, much like the shores of West Lake, the island has also been turned into a park and makes for a relaxing stroll. One can walk along the wheel of the island or travel along the spokes if you want.
[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/XiaoYingZhou.kmz} zoom=19]