Shanghai Dongtai Street Antique Market 上海东台路古玩市场

Numerous Little Antiques at the Dongtai Antique Market in Shanghai 上海东台路古玩市场

Numerous Little Antiques at the Dongtai Antique Market in Shanghai 上海东台路古玩市场

I was quite pleased to have stumbled into the Dongtai Street Antique Market in Shanghai 上海东台路古玩市场. The street isn’t really very long was it probably only covers three blocks at the most. However, the street is packed with small stall selling antiques. This being China, I seriously doubt that most of these antiques are what they say they are. It should be very easy to manufacture these things and make them look old. Although if you look at the stuff they really are quite convincing.

A Stall at the Dongtai Antique Market in Shanghai 上海东台路古玩市场

A Stall at the Dongtai Antique Market in Shanghai 上海东台路古玩市场

The stuff on sale are typical stuff I would see in any Chinatown. In Singapore for example, these things are quite common and yet, it is still quite delightful to be walking around and having a look. I am glad that these store owners aren’t very pushy as most of them are content to be just waiting in their stalls for a Westerner to walk in. I, being no westerner, is totally ignored. Unless they notice the large camera hanging from my neck.

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