I had only walked for an hour down the Huangshan and I was already very impressed with what I have been seeing. This early, I could say that this is probably one of the most beautiful mountains I have ever seen. The scenery is surreal that you cannot blame countless painters for turning the scenery into paintings. In fact, so common was this that Huangshan had a specific school of art. Part of the allure here is that large part of the mountain are made of solid granite and there was little vegetation on them. This exposes the color of the mountain even more. Probably giving rise to its name.
The wonderful view only helps to highlight the geological features of Huangshan. Huangshan itself is made up of several peaks some of which I had already passed such as Bright Summit Peak 光明峰, Aoyu Peak 鳌鱼峰 and Lotus Flower Peak 莲花峰., none of which we had the strength nor the interest in climbing. Now that I think about it, we could have spend more time on the mountain like an entire day before going down instead of heading down the mountain the first thing in the morning.
[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/Huangshan.kmz} zoom=19]