Inside the Da Cheng Palace 大成殿

Great Throne for the Great Teacher

Great Throne for the Great Teacher

The Da Cheng Palace is truly a magnificent place to honor the great sage Confucius. True to its name it looks much like a palace and what is a palace without a throne? At the center of the Da Cheng Palace, there is a throne where the statue of Confucius is seated. This is where people come to honor him. After all, he did give birth to a whole new way of live for the Chinese. Even emperors themselves would come here to worship him.

Throne Room of Confucius 孔子

Throne Room of Confucius 孔子

Some of the emperors would always leave their mark here in the palace by having their handwriting posted near the throne declaring how great Confucius is. Interestingly, mistakes were intentionally made in some of these writing, in deference to Confucius. He is the great teacher after all, and the teacher will always be better than the student. It was quite dark in the hall and you can’t go in, so you can only see what is inside from afar.

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