Gate of Divine Prowess 神武门

Gate of Divine Prowess 神武门

Gate of Divine Prowess 神武门

I was continuing on to through the Forbidden City when I unexpectedly reached the end. I was relieved to know that there is a limit to this city after all. This place easily spans several city blocks and if you have been to China, you would know that city blocks here are huge. I have reached the northern end of the Forbidden City and it is marked by the Gate of Divine Prowess 神武门. The Gate of Divine Prowess is the northern counterpart of the Gate of Heavenly Peace 天安门.

The Imposing Gate of Divine Prowess 神武门

The Imposing Gate of Divine Prowess 神武门

Since it is the northern counterpart of the Gate of Heavenly Peace, it is no surprise to find out that it looks almost exactly like its more famous twin. There is no huge square to hold activities here legal or otherwise. As a matter of fact, the Gate of Divine Prowess is still within the palace walls. I didn’t want to venture out any further as I might find myself really outside the Forbidden City as I have a feeling that I still haven’t fully explored the massive palace complex. It would be interesting to note that the last emperor Puyi 溥仪 passed through this gate when they were driven out of the Forbidden City.

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