Around the Putuozongcheng Temple 普陀宗乘之庙

Around the Putuozongcheng Temple 普陀宗乘之庙

Around the Putuozongcheng Temple 普陀宗乘之庙

The Putuozongcheng Temple was built along the side of a small hill mimicking the layout of the Potala Palace in Tibet. The main building naturally is at the highest point of the hill. Add to that the more than six storey height of the temple and you have an excellent viewing deck. Visibility is still good but some mist is already starting to set in. The nearer buildings are still visible. From the top of the main building, I can see several of the Eight Outer Temples that surround the Mountain Resort. I figured that there was no way I would be able to explore all this. One would need several days to cover this area.

Curious Rock Formation in Chengde 承德

Curious Rock Formation in Chengde 承德

Right across the main building is a mountain where part of the Mountain Resort is visible. It just goes to show how large this place is. In the distance, there was a curiously shaped rock formation, sort of like a potato stood on end. I’m sure they have a name for that rock but I never really found out. From here, I can see that the sun was already quite low and I realized that I needed to be on my way. I still needed to visit another temple thus I needed to hurry along.

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