Shuiliuyunzai Pavillion 水流云在

Shuiliuyunzai Pavillion 水流云在 in the Mountain Resort 避暑山庄

Shuiliuyunzai Pavillion 水流云在 in the Mountain Resort 避暑山庄

I have seen the first of Emperor Kangxi’s top 36 scenic spots in the Mountain Resort, which not surprisingly happened to be his own palace at the Mountain Resort. I was lucky to stumble into the last of the scenic spots, this one happens to be another pavillion. The Shuiliuyunzai Pavillion was similar to the Fangzhulinliu Pavillion except that the last happens to be beside the lake itself.

Another View of the Shuiliuyunzai Pavillion 水流云在

Another View of the Shuiliuyunzai Pavillion 水流云在

The Shuiliuyunzai Pavillion is along one of the major paths in the park and quite a few people rest here. The pavillion itself looks a bit older and darker unlike the other pavillions which probably explains why it was last in the list. However, it was impressive enough to being included in the first place. I spent a few minutes sitting around in the pavillion until I continued on my way.

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