Imperial Vault of Heaven 皇穹宇

Imperial Vault of Heaven 皇穹宇

Imperial Vault of Heaven 皇穹宇

At the center of the cluster of Ming dynasty buildings and what I would call the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvests Lite. Indeed it looks like a small version of the star attraction here at the Temple of Heaven Park. This hall is called the Imperial Vault of Heaven 皇穹宇. This hall unlike its big brother up north, is only a single level high compared to the three level of the former. However, the overall design of the hall closely resembles the first hall.

See the People Queueing Up at the Hall?

See the People Queueing Up at the Hall?

It is from here that the Danbi Bridge starts on its way to the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvests. And just like it, the hall is also surrounded by a lot of tourists eager to see what is inside. This hall although it is also circular, it only stands on a one level terrace unlike its more popular neighbor. I guess if you can’t get to the big one, this one will do.

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