As you might notice, this part of the Great Wall at Jinshanling gets progressively more and more ruined. It should be quite obvious that in these parts less and less tourists manage to get here. After all, the Great Wall follows the contour of the mountains and it is usually built on the mountain’s ridge. This was done so that the watch towers will have the best view possible and make them more prominent to the nearby watch towers. Even the bricks on the wall itself are in bad shape and it won’t be surprising to see whole chunks of the wall missing.
In fact, while walking along the wall, I noticed that the protective wall on both sides of the Great Wall are gone. According to the vendor who was still with me, those have been made spare parts and were used to fix up the missing chunks. I would be a quite dangerous to stand on the ledge since there won’t anything to stop you from falling in case there is a strong gust of wind which can be common in these parts. This part is called by the strange English name of Maid Bun Village 阿髻山寨, it used to be an important pass in the past but all that remains here are ruins of houses. It used to defended by numerous soldiers and was important enough to have a commander.
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