As I previously mentioned, the layout of the San Agustin Museum is retangluar with a rather spacious courtyard in the middle. The counrtyard itself doesn’t have anything special with it, but it has since become popular for wedding receptions. At the time of my visit, there was a catering company frantically preparing tables at the courtyard. I imagine it would be a little difficult to set up something like this since the place is not really conducive for such events, although the place is certainly very atmospheric.
This is no hotel so they would have to bring their own sound systems and possibly a stage for the couple. Then there is always the issue of rain and the heat. Usually in wedding receptions like these, the dress code calls for formal wear and it would not be very comfortable to be wearing formal wear for several hours in the heat, even it if it was held in the evening. I’m not too sure either of holding wedding receptions inside the grounds of a UNESCO World Heritage site, but then again, the San Agustin Church is no mere relic of the past, it is still much alive and in use. We are just continuing what has been done for hundreds of years.
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Need to inquire rates. Please send me contact number/person for San Agustin Courtyard. Thanks.
hi rene,
unfortunately, i do not have the contact for the couryard. i only found this number +63 2 527 4060 and this is supposedly for the museum. you might be able to ask them the contact number you are looking for.
thanks for visiting!